Medicine Card Reading for January, 2025
The card reading uses a simple four-direction Medicine Wheel Spread with an East card (1), a South card (2), a West card (3), a North card (4), and a Centering card (5), which is placed in the center. The random card selection was Raccoon, Weasel, Black Panther., Dolphin, and Eagle in that order. The question: what are the best medicines to consider for January 2025?
EAST Card Number 46, Raccoon—Generous Protector. EAST is the direction of dawn and is considered the spiritual direction on the medicine wheel. The color of the EAST is yellow and the element of the EAST is fire. Springtime is the season of East and represents stretching and growing. Welcome the day and the new light of day and begin your spiritual journey to the EAST—to enlightenment. EAST on the sacred indigenous medicine wheel signifies the beginning of a spiritual journey—your unique journey. EAST symbolizes rebirth and a mystical awakening. Raccoon, ”the grasper” is one of the best medicines to carry during these times. Raccoon is nocturnal and is often called “black mask,” considered a sort of Robin Hood who can outsmart anyone and pluck their goodies. Some tribal people have called Raccoon the most “touchy-feely” of all animals. They have exceptional manual dexterity. Additionally, Raccoon has a great curiosity about everything in their immediate vicinity. You may need to protect your spiritual value system with Raccoon appearing in the EAST this January. You may even need to brush up on what your spiritual beliefs truly are. Your integrity may be tested. Ask the Raccoon spirit to be your guide if this is the case. Raccoon’s ingenuity is amazing and you can be sure Raccoon will show you the best way to deal with any adversity. Avoid judgment. It’s all spiritual so don’t get ego-involved. As is said, don’t throw down on anyone. Be like Raccoon and use your ingenuity to come up with creative solutions to problems. You may need to be kind and help a friend or family member with the issue of not facing the world as it is. You may feel moved to show strong support for an underdog.
SOUTH Card Number 33. Weasel—Stealth. SOUTH on the medicine wheel signifies substance and the summertime of life—a time of youth and discovery. It’s a time to play, find amusement, have fun, and not be overly serious. SOUTH speaks of the heart and balance. The element of the SOUTH is water with all its physical and spiritual qualities. The color of the SOUTH is said to be red implying life force. Red grabs attention and is energizing. Red may also imply danger so be on your toes when you see red. Weasel is an expert in tracing and tracking. If they pick up the scent they can find their prey or most anything else. Weasel is an ally that can assist you in precarious times. Weasels live underground and have a musky smell. They have long, graceful, and elegant bodies with short legs. They can get in and out of most spaces and entanglements other animals can’t, true escape artists. Weasel is busy but secretive. If you feel stymied and feel like you have fallen into a trap you can’t escape or have hit a wall you can’t get over, call on Weasel medicine to show you the best way to use their medicine to fix the situation. Weasel is solitary and silent most of the time. They are astute observers. They see much more than the obvious and hear more than the obvious. Weasel are deeply sensitive but no one would ever know it. They are intelligent, discerning, and can extrapolate a great deal of correct information from focused attention. They never fail to learn the truth about a person and that person will not have the slightest suspicion they have been thoroughly investigated. Weasel are often credited with being precognitive and are able to see future events. You may have glimpses into the future when Weasel spirit is close by. You will then know how best to handle most situations. Weasel will convey to you how to be Stealthy while keeping an even demeanor. If needs be, use Weasel medicine to turn the tables on a situation.
WEST. Card Number 52. Black Panther—Embracing The Unknown. WEST on the sacred medicine wheel is the place of introspection., that is to say, looking deep within yourself and observing your mental and emotional processes. Introspection is a time and place to be alone and learn to respect and explore your inner being. The season of WEST is the fall. The time is twilight. WEST element is earth and the color representing WEST is black. WEST is the adult stage of life and brings maturity. It highlights life’s values and morality. WEST teaches respect for elders and all people. Native people often call the highest power Great Mystery. Indeed, eternal and unknowable mystery surrounds us all. Prayers are said to Great Mystery. There was no preaching or proselyting. Your relationship with Mystery is your own business. The unknown is a mystery. Black Panther, also known as Black Jaguar, are the big big-cats and are not bad luck at all. Black Panther medicine carries us through our strongest emotions–our fears. Fear has come because of the vicissitudes of our time, an era of distrust on our planet. Black Panther tells us to examine our dark nature and not to project it on others. Perhaps fear is approaching because of unstable finances. You may have to tighten the belt, as is said. Ask the big cat for help. Black Panther medicine is healing and comforting and tells you not to worry about the future. Instead, embrace it. The past is past. Let it go and let Fear be a past thing of no importance. Now is the time for the courage of Black Panther. Be fearless. Be grateful. Look to inner guidance from Black Panther medicine. Turn to the new possibilities brave Black Panther is bringing you.
NORTH Card number 40. Dolphin—Manna. NORTH on the medicine. wheel is the place of the elders. Elders are the old ones, seers, and rememberers of history. They know teaching stories, traditions, medicine songs and rituals. In short, elders are keepers of priceless ancient knowledge. They have great wisdom and know how everything fits together–what works and what doesn’t. Because of their long life they have a vast understanding of life and how best to live it. They were and are venerated and respected in tribal society. Something good is on the way with Dolphin appearing in the NORTH. Catch the wave. Be free and flowing like Dolphin. Dolphin symbolism is that of transformation by water and of potent breathing frequencies. Dolphin is said to bring contentment during any journey near or far that you may be contemplating. Dolphin is always an auspicious omen and bodes well for our joy and happiness. Dolphin medicine brings deep healing; Dolphin teaches us how to bring Manna into our life. Manna exists in all things. Manna enlivens us. It is our connection to the cosmos. Personal Manna is the sustaining life force in and around our bodies. Dolphin teaches us the deep and rhythmic breath of life to increase our Manna. If you are feeling the weight of years, let Dolphin give you a makeover—a regeneration. Do breath-work. Dolphin teachings are a reminder to breathe deep and approach life with gusto and delight. Dolphin medicine reminds us to enjoy each moment.
CENTER Card Number 1, Eagle—Spirit. There are potent energies at the CENTER of the medicine wheel. The four directions and four corners meet at perfect CENTER. CENTER represents the interconnectedness of all life–a holy place where one can find refuge, healing, and spiritual guidance. Be CENTERED in this all-encompassing energy and have a strong stance. Be ready to meet any and all eventualities. Majestic Eagle may bring many new spiritual opportunities. Eagle nests in the highest branches of the sacred tree, the tree of life. Eagle has appeared at your CENTER and Eagle power is the power of Great Spirit. Stay CENTERED. Don’t be distracted. Eagle tells you to be a warrior. Seek your highest power within. Eagle is a messenger and speaks of self-realization. Let Eagle nourish your soul and give you discernment. You may become more observant and see through various shams and pretenses. Eagle sees the vast panorama of existence, seeing into the microcosm and macrocosm. Soaring Eagle often brushes feathers touching with Great Mystery and therefore is said to receive spiritual insights and spiritual understanding. Seek to be like Eagle and touch with Mystery. No one can miss that an eagle feather is spiritually charged. They are. And some especially so. Eagle may bring you a visionary experience. Eagle in the CENTER asks you to be aware of your physical and spiritual needs and to meet them. Eagle tells you to first do the basics—food and shelter. Then find your spiritual connection and inner sun—your values and purpose. Eagle has faith and the courage to be a spiritual warrior. It is time for you to have the spiritual vision of Eagle and follow through with it.