Medicine Card reading for September 2024 by David Carson. The card reading uses a simple four-direction Medicine Wheel Spread. The random card selection was Antelope, Otter, Elk, Lizard, and Turtle in that order. The question: what are the best medicines to consider for September 2024?
EAST. Card Number 37, Antelope--Action. EAST on the medicine wheel symbolizes the dawn and the initiation of a new beginning--an awakening of spirit. Antelope says don't just stand there. Take Action and get going on your spiritual journey toward enlightenment. The EAST element is fire. EAST color is yellow. EAST is the breaking dawn, the first light. EAST is said to be a time of childhood and growth. Antelope tells you that your life is important so take care of business. Hit it hard and fast—call on Antelope's power because Action is needed. Antelope knows the way to freedom. Don't be thwarted this September. Antelope symbolizes action, getting it done. Inertia can hold you back from accomplishing something important. Antelope think fast on their feet and act fast. Now may be the time for action.
SOUTH. Card Number 8, Otter—Woman Medicine. SOUTH on the medicine wheel exemplifies the time of adolescence—the summertime of life. Be aware of the moon's energy. SOUTH is a curious, happy, and playful direction. Count your many blessings and be grateful. Woman Medicine is sacred. Otter medicine carries a deep inner strength and wisdom—lightness of being, happiness, and laughter that transforms energy. Otter is balanced and in the swim of life—flowing and living in the moment. Otter is the female adept and an emblem of spiritual sisterhood. Let the powerful energy of Otter be your guide. Listen to your intuition and follow it. Otter tells you to use your intuition to discern in life, but don't forget to enjoy yourself.
WEST Card Number 3, Elk—Stamina. WEST on the Medicine wheel denotes looking within—introspection. It is the beautiful sunset of life. The season of the WEST is autumn, a time of adulthood and maturity. The element associated with WEST is earth. The color associated with WEST is black. Elk shows you how to do better in life and increase your Stamina. Let Elk medicine be your secret support in September. Find rejuvenation from Wapiti, Elk's medicine, when you need it the most. Elk medicine may help you hold up physically and tell you not to stress. Elk medicine prevents burnout and advises you to pace yourself and use your energy wisely. Having an easy-going, steady pace allows you to have more Stamina. Elk in the WEST gives one inner resolve, strategies, and the medicine to take care of responsibilities whatever they may be.
NORTH Card number 36, Lizard—Dreaming. North on the medicine wheel is the place of wisdom. It is the place of our elders and knowledge-keepers. NORTH represents the cold of wintertime. The color that represents NORTH is white. Dreams and visions are often sacred medicine and can be powerful allies. Lizard says that you are due a powerful healing. There are many levels of awareness and Dreams are a very important one. Lizard advises that you will be wise now to pay closer attention to your Dreams. Look to your Dreams for symbols and hidden meanings. Lizard represents powerful Dreaming medicines. Perhaps you have been ignoring important information coming to you in your Dreamtime. Lizard may want you to write your Dreams down so you won't forget them. Consider keeping a Dream journal.
CENTER. Card number 10, Turtle—Mother Earth. Be comfortable and CENTERED in your circle. Be focused and CENTERED where the four directions meet—be physically and mentally grounded and in harmony with your inner and outer being. CENTER is a place of balance and renewal; the Turtle is a favorable and auspicious symbol. Touch Mother Earth because she is holy. Every step you take, if you are lucky enough to live on the continent of North America, is a step on the back of Mother Turtle. We live here on Turtle Island and are always directly connected with her medicines and we must protect and honor them. Honor our creative nature. We must take care of our Mother Earth as she takes care of us. Dance your prayers deep inside Earth and they will surely hatch into being.
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